How to Avoid becoming an Instagram Sensation

By Andie Mirabal


Late in December, Instagram unveiled a new update – a horizontal timeline that was to act more like the stories feature and less like other timelines. However, this update backfired and subjected the brand to the wrath of angry users. Users took to Twitter to vocalize their distain, going as far as posting videos of deleting the application from their phone.

A few hours later, the company announced that the new changes would be dissolved. According to this BuzzFeed article, a spokesperson for Instagram said that the changes were “caused by a bug.”

Unfortunately, Twitter users were not buying it. Many comments appeared to poke fun at the statement and continued to fire away at the company with more unsatisfied tweets.

And whether its unveiling an update, or something as simple as running out of ranch, your company should be prepared for any crisis situation. Below are three tips to help plan for the next uproar.

1. Have a plan and a spokesperson ready. Being prepared provides your company with access to one of the most important tools in a crisis – time. When something unexpected happens, it won’t take long for word to get out, especially in today’s digital age. Being equipped with a plan and a spokesperson will enable your team to address any issue within minutes.

2. Be consistent. When developing a message, be sure that it is consistent. Yes, all company representatives should be prepped to address with the same messaging. But more importantly, the messaging should be consistent with any and all actions. If messaging doesn’t align, it may come off as insincere and cause even more controversy.

3. Communicate with your audience. In a crisis situation, it is important to remember that those on the outside are concerned. Have a team in place to address the situation, respond to messages and tags, and post updates as information becomes available.

About Andie Mirabal

Andie Mirabal is the Director at The Garrity Group. She is a visual media enthusiast with a love for telling stories. To learn more about Andie, click here.

Published February 1, 2019

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