TGG BLOG: What an active volcano taught me about PR

TGG BLOG: What an active volcano taught me about PR

Blog: What an active volcano taught me about PR By Jenna Simon In mid-August, I hiked an active volcano in Guatemala. Yes, with lava eruptions and everything! My best friend and I decided we wanted to make a “core memory” together after a year and a half of living...
Blog: The Gatekeepers

Blog: The Gatekeepers

Blog: The Gatekeepers By Tom Garrity Before venturing into the world of public relations and public information, I had an opportunity to be a part of the news media.  This included work in a number of print, radio and television newsrooms located in Dallas/Fort Worth,...
GPS ANALYSIS: Healthcare Industry

GPS ANALYSIS: Healthcare Industry

GPS Analysis: Healthcare Industry By Tom Garrity The healthcare profession has some unique challenges when compared to other professions and industries.  Timely access to medical providers, confusing and opportunistic insurance carriers as well as the lingering...