GPS Analysis: Energy Industry

By Amanda Molina


Energy is a defining issue in New Mexico.

New Mexico’s oil and gas industry is fueling New Mexico’s private and public sector. In 2022 the industry’s’ success generated recurring revenue for the state which surpassed $9.7 billion. The business is largely established in the Eastern and Northwestern parts of New Mexico.

The Energy Transition Act sets a tiered timeline for utilities and government to have carbon-free emissions.  The renewable industry is investing an estimated $12+ billion of infrastructure to meet the first timeline in 2023. New Mexico’s wind resources are strongest in the central and eastern parts of the state.  Solar resources are strongest in the southwestern part of the state.

Based on the GPS’23, the oil and gas industry has its strongest supporters in the areas where the industry exists.  The industry’s antagonists are located, generally, in areas where media and policy originate.  Conversely, the solar and wind industry enjoys some of its strongest support in areas where there is minimal renewable infrastructure.  The industries’ most vocal advocates reside in areas where media and policy originate.

The pathway to success is the same for the renewable and oil/gas industries. No, not lobbying and advertising blitzes. The key to success is identifying and understanding your target audiences.  Don’t make assumptions or take them for granted.

Generally regarded as favorable, the Solar and Wind Industry still has work to do in New Mexico, especially amongst rural communities. The GPS’23 has taught us that rural communities trust word of mouth, print and radio when it comes to getting their news and information. Trust is key when it comes to building lasting partnerships and authentic community engagement; without the trust and support of communities, key opinion leaders and landowners, wind and solar companies have a difficult time achieving their business objectives. 

Through unique, consistent and clear communication with select media outlets, meaningful engagements with local key opinion leaders and authentic community investment, TGG has helped clients in the wind and solar industry build trust and awareness about their brand and projects, creating long-lasting partnerships and successful business ventures.

Published September 12, 2023

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